Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"The hip stuff is outside the comfort zone."

Holy shit!


Willy Jo said...

i noticed that u post to 3peeholes blob. culd you tell me why hes such a wuss? is it cus he shaves his legs to be able to ride his bisycle fast.

Anonymous said...

i wus wunderin. where in the GD hell does you get them goggles. they wuld be nice when im drivin my 4x4 pickem up truck around town.

-kw said...

willy jo,
If’n I’s privy to such info, I’d sirtin’ly han it to yous. But I ain’t.

toys'r'us's got allkins uh cussoomer itms — fur chillins an utherwiz — that'r grate fur aynee sitchyouashun. Drivin ur whathaveyou.

-kw said...

Mos uh whut I lern'd—talkn and whateverwize—I got frum plane ol' Ay-mericans. Thanks fur askin.

-kw said...

Looks lik I dun'an trashed yur last comment.
Nuthin' persunul.
Go hed and throw that back up agayn, if'n you please.

Cletus Monet III said...

please tell me you ernt wun a them jamaquarn reterds. wered you lern to talk like that?

you ernt a leg shaver like that thar 3 peehole is ya?

-kw said...

beein's you aksed nice, ok. I'll tel yous.
I ain really into that guy from Jamoaroqui.

Willy Jo said...

how much you want fer them thar googles, you look kinda qaur in em, but i wuld look like a superstar.


are you speekin french er sumthin