Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Yearly Link Round-Up
Here are my favorite links from 2009's Weekly Link Round-Up.
Aaron Rose's DIY America Series is killing it.
Amazing continuous fight scene via: Don Q's Lady Data
Andrew Zuckerman's Bird Book photos are AMAZING. Via: Kottke.
Savage Illustrations Via: Drawn.
The Botany Of Desire documentary is online in full for free.
NY Times article on Pandora's song recommending methods.
Michael Pollen's Food Dos and Don'ts.
Dallas Clayton just started up a the Awesome World Foundation. Check the video too.
Hookworm cures Asthma! Read about it here and hear about it on Radiolab.
Photos and video from Photographer/Installation artist Georges Rousse.
Just discovered Black Panther artist Emory Douglas on Studio 360.
Huxley V. Orwell comic Via: Kottke.
Color Tips for design, decorating, and life.
The Harper's Index is now searchable.
Inside the CBC Radio sound effects kitchen.
Opt out of getting phone books.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Known Universe
Science, you gotta love it. This video has been getting a lot of hits on the web in the past week. I suggest watching it in hi def.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
WWASH Photos
Over at the WWASH Picasa page you can find lots of photos from WWASH #1 that are good both for looking at and seeing.
Monday, December 21, 2009
WWASH #1 Is Tonight
This Crazy New Mountain Bike Thing
This DK x Cornbread colabo is about as sweet-ish as it gets.
Channel 10/11 Off the Beaten Path - Off Road Bicycling from Cornbread on Vimeo.
Weekly Link Round-Up
I got that fox up there from Gif Party. which is on the best new blogs of 2009 list
Huge collection of George Nelson desk clocks.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
WWASH = While We're All Still Here
The first-ever WWASH get-together is next Monday — the winter solstice — December 21, and it's nothing more (and nothing less) than a chance to say hi to friends, eat some eats, and drink some drinks.
But why?
Because it's much easier to say hi to people when they're here as opposed to when they're not.
Yia Yia's
1423 O Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
Monday, December 21, 7:00 pm.
Come by for five minutes or five hours. Kids, adults, and all the rest are welcome.
Weekly Link Round-Up
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hunger Strikes
Red Kite Prayer's Da Robot has posted another worthy winter musing — this one, about killing yourself to stay alive.
Or something.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Weekly Link Round-Up
Radiolab benefit posters! Via: Drawn.
Seven principles of human behavior that con artists exploit. Via: What Consumes Me.
The making of the new OK Go video is more interesting than the actual video.
Chain restaurant flow chart.
The Rise and Fall of Design Within Reach. Long but interesting.
Andy Warhol, The bellwether of the art market video.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Mr. Newton
A Letter To The New York Washington Post
But the twin towers are Hakeem and Ralph, right people?
Taken—not stirred—from delete yourself via gawker
Friday, December 04, 2009
morning ride
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Daddy? where does polysorbate 60 come from?
I just finished this book and I have to tell you I am a little bit freaked out. But not necessarily by the things I thought I would be freaked out by. Well,,, I mean I already knew that the processes used for Bleached Flour were not good and that Natural and Artificial Flavors are really neither. But Steve Ettlinger was able to scare the bejeezes out of me regarding so many other f'ed up things about food and its current processes. Via his quest to identify the sources for the Twinkie's long list of ingredients. How would I have known that the waste incurred to make Vitamins in the pill form is so environmentally unfriendly no one does it outside of China anymore. Or that much of what we eat starts out either as corn or a petrochemical. Well, I think we all knew about corn. All that said, I am still going to make good on my personal reward for completing this book by actually having one of the 500 million Twinkies sold this year. Now that I'm fully aware of all the shit that's in it, I might even enjoy it.
Redundant Comments
Carrie Browstein's NPR Blog is consistantly ripping, but her post today about Fugazi and Chunklet and James Burns' mp3 compilation of their stage banter is one of those things that makes you want to hug the internet and give it a big kiss on the lips of its mouth.
So, Bill Murray ... You Hidin' Out Or Something?
Mister Mark, please keep posting these so I can keep taking them from you.