Saturday, January 24, 2009

not so funny now...

wow, I was on the drunk report
and saw this ...

the onion
jan 17,2001.

odd hu...


Cornbread said...

Wow, that is scary. The Onion hit the nail on the head.

I'm still in disbelief that Bush is finally out of there. I feel like I'm dreaming.

sockrider said...

So true! Read the onion, it's the shit.

I just hope this one doesn't come true in the near future:

MG said...

nope, not really funny at all... scary how close they called it, in fact. but in eight years, when the obama administration successfully pulls the economy around, do you think the ungrateful majority of masses of Americans will continue to support his policies, or will they do what they did to the democrats eight years ago, and go with their "best buddy" president and his "evil sidekick" VP? i suspect the short attention spans of most people will allow them to forget how idiotic bushie was and they'll make the same mistake again, with the republican party's next loser, sarah palin.