Wednesday, September 24, 2008

furniture made from skateboards

Some fancy ones


-kw said...

Commentary from Skate And Annoy.

Peggy Wilkins said...

Where are the prices and order forms or site?

-kw said...

I've decided to set my bitterness free.
I can't support this at all.
Skateboards as totems have always bugged me. Skateboards for non-skateboard use bug me even more.
Sorry you had to witness that outburst, but man (ahhhh), it feels good to get that out of my system.

Unknown said...

Personally, I prefer skateboards made from furniture. Don't judge if you haven't 50-50'd on a leather recliner.

Anonymous said...

Have to agreet with you here, Kev.

Beerorkid said...
