Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bitching and Cash Money Make You Better?

I don't know who I am going to vote for. I don't really even know if I wanna be a part of this whole thing by participating in a voting process. I hate all this crap. But sometimes certain things jump out at me during all this political bullshit - Things that aren't dripping with bile. I thought I would share two clips with you that jumped out at me. By the way, I really don't know shit about any of this poo poo. But I've developed a pretty good gut.

One more short little clip.


sda said...

edwards was on letterman last night. when asked what it was like to be "in the middle of that" he answered something along the lines of " I guess I represent the grown-up wing of the party."

Neckdeep said...

Thanks so much for posting this. I've been pulling for Edwards for quite some's a shame what's happening.

Anonymous said...

i like them all... lots of passion for a change. i am still excited about the potential to be able to vote for the first woman or the first african american running for president. the second clip is great:) thanks

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a news report talking about political bullshit: