These are only a few of my favorite links from 2010's Weekly Link Round-Ups.
David Hockney from Paris Vogue is making all kinds of interesting data available on Mint Data.
Ravaged Landscape by photographer David T Hanson.
Hugh Holland's 70's LA skate photos are amazing. There's a book too.What your 2009 Federal taxes paid for. Via: What Consumes Me.
Human Landscapes in South Florida.
Puppet Making with Jim Henson.
Slideshow of artwork made by Gitmo prisoners.
SuperBetter is a game that makes you well.
Sun burns paper in long exposures
Lil John's take on the Sesame Street theme song.
Jeremyville's Public Service Announcements are great.
The Black Hole is the best 2 min short film I can remember seeing. Via: Open Culture.
Something Else by Rick Moranis in the NY Times. Via: Monoscope.
Frank Chimero on how to have an idea.
The Big Picture kills it with this Animals in the News set.
The Technological Disobedience of Ernesto Oroza from Motherboard.
MREs from armies across the globe.
Seized items from international air mail.
Jaff Canham's birdhouses.
Industrial Scars has a good portfolio on natural gas fracking.
The Beetle Cam Project. Via: The Wife.
Noktor is a new f0.95 lens.
Simple DIY shirt tailoring.
People Doing Stuff. I like it.
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