Friday, March 21, 2008

Complete Cardiel

All sixteen part's of Epicly Later'd's John Cardiel documentary are up at
I'd suggest starting with Part 1 and watching it all the way through to the end. It's about 90 minutes and the most inspiring and insightful look at a skateboarding life that I've ever seen. Ever.

The Skateboard Mag will be having a contest in issue #51 (next month) where we'll be giving away six John Cardiel kits. Each winner will get three pairs of each Vans-Syndicate/Pendleton shoe, an Anti-Hero John Cardiel board, Spitfire John Cardiel wheels, and of course a DVD of the full-length John Cardiel documentary. Copies of issue #51 should be in skateshops around the end of April, so get there and get yours.
In the mean time, please do yourself a favor and watch this whole film.
It's skateboarding — exactly and perfectly.

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