Saturday, April 07, 2007

The answer to those long SKate Mag meetings.


Anonymous said...

One of my neighbors had one of these. I never got a chance to ride it, and I'm pretty sure he never did either. I did see a couple of the Mexican guys who worked for him ride it up the ramp and out of the garage one day. They move really slow. The bike not the Mexicans. Long story short, when he went to jail he left it in his parking place for about a year until someone came and picked it up.

rfresh said...

Long story short, indeed. I want the short story long, however... So far it rules. A guy with one of these bikes, Mexicans, jail, abandoned property. On top of that, these bikes are custom (rare) and barely found outside of Euro-land. That's all the makings of an amazing "long" story. Write it up, and throw it down, man. Let's hear it.