Some friends of mine have been on a mission lately, making things to skate and making spots skatable. Here's a couple shots i shot of myself skating these creations.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
make it happen
"To ride shotgun is to sit in the front passenger seat when riding in a car or other vehicle. It is a phrase commonly and mostly heard in the United States and Canada, but also in Australia and New Zealand. Due to the influence of American popular culture it is also heard in several European countries such as Iceland, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, as well as other countries with large English-speaking populations such as South Africa. In Mexico it is commonly heard in the derived forms "shot" or "shotto" making a phonetic allusion to the original phrase." MORE HERE
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I don't do this often (mostly because I don't normally have much to promote) but I just had an article about Louisville go live on SLAP Magazine's website. I'm really stoked because it's got drawings done by my good friend Patrick Jilbert and photos of some guys who rip and deserve to have some coverage but never get any.
The article is here.
If you like Patrick's paintings in that article, you can find out more about the man that lives in his head and see more of his work over at Dave Carnie's He's got an interview here.
This photo didn't make the cut for the article, but I still really like it. It's Chaney Given with a gap to back tail at the only spot that Bobby Puleo liked in this city.
The Wind is blowing
If you know The Wind, you'll at least have a slight clue what I'm talking about.
I was reading the classifieds in the back of BRAIN as I oft do and saw that he was trying to unload his bike shop in Green Valley, AZ. If you buy the shop, I'll sweeten the deal by coming to work for you for a month, but it will cost more than it did in 21 year old Mohawk dollars.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Compressed Air
kicking it old school, daily chores, project editing, kiwi people, warm weekend, bikes, chill time.
Weekly Link Round-Up
Ira Glass on the Colbert Report
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Season Opener
Had a fun season opener over at the Handjob Ramp--check The Program Zine for more good times.
the crooks just got crookier
as if the one Crook we all know and love wasn't enough for Lincoln to handle - we can now add two more to the list. Maxwell Louis and Riley Romaine made their arrival into stinkin' Lincoln today. congrats to Tyler and Jenna - your family just doubled!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monsters: 078 Revolving Doors from Volstok Telefunken on Vimeo.
Bacon Party Schteeeves house sat noon to midnight
Bike Shop
I love the bike shop. Everybody should have a "bike shop" to love too. I happen to work two doors down from mine. It's in between the sushi restaurant and beer station, so dropping by happens pretty often. Some days, just for fun... because I know they love it when I do this... I become that guy with nothing to do, who just comes in to talk, when everybody is super busy working. Yeah, I'll just walk right up to my buddy Mike and stand with that uncomfortable distance between us, while he's with a customer. The distance that says, I'm right here, but I'm gonna pretend like I don't need attention right away, even though I want it anyway. OH GOSH, who doesn't love that happening to them.
Today was one of those days that upon entering, I realized everyone was too busy to talk with anyone they know wasn't there to spend money. Just as I was going in for the hover, a friend diverted my attention and I quickly lost any ambition to intentionally annoy people, abandoning my prey for the sure deal. The weather has recently turned warm, so we began talking about bikes, bike riding and where each of us have ridden so far this year. This is what I like to call the exchange of information, a.k.a the pissing contest. What better place to have one, at least among friends, than in the bike shop where loads of strangers can see how cool you are? Of course, other folks quickly piped up with their stories, new old faces walked through the door. And before you knew it, I had plans to go ride with someone this weekend, had some more information regarding some trails I hadn't yet seen this year and gained some fatherly advice from just some guy I know from around. Thank you bike shop, how did I ever get by with you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Okay in less than 24 hours 3 people have forwarded me this video. It is worth looking at. Very creative approach to riding 2 wheels.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sea Otter
When the "Sea Otter Classic" started (early 90's) lot's of us grumbled about it calling itself a "Classic." Lame as it had just been birthed and could hardly claim "classic" status. Regardless, that first year i jumped into the sport class xc race, did my thing, and never went back for more......Then i started working in the bike industry. Well, now i go. All i can say is that sometimes i see things i don't normally get close to(dual slalom racing), that i get to see a bunch of friends who i might only see once a year, and somebody usually shows up with a new toy that we're all going to want.Lev Stryker(above): I learned to ride bikes with Lev and now he co-owns Cog Wild Tours in Bend, OR.
My first in-person view of this year's SPEEDVAGEN track bike.
Monday, April 20, 2009
1612 Weeks old
I turned 31 last week. Some other cool things happened too. Here is goes, eight seconds at a time.
Weekly Link Round-Up
Bankrupt. Photos from empty office buildings.
This American Life is in theaters this Thursday only.
World Pinhole Day is this Sunday. Grab a shoebox and join in.
The Coachella iPhone App looks like a good idea.
Super Touch has photos from the Templeton, McGee, and Pettibon art show in Germany.
David Sedaris reads from his new book.
Talent, Luck, Hard Work. All boiled down to a two minute video.
Peter Funch's photoshop pictures have been making the rounds and are well worth a look.
The Hallway from Miranda July.
I get drunk
I think about buying a trials bike. I wake up and my elbows and wrists pop like my alarm clock.
I totally poached this off my friend Mark's blog, but I don't give no.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
me casa es la Bodega
MIA? not totally...
So i usually post here on Thursday of every week, and yesterday (Thursday April 17th 2009) started out no different than any other Good Problem Thursday for me, I sit down at my computer and post some amazing thing that Ive found on the Internet. The problem was that yesterday when i sat down and got ready to post a YouTube video of a girl whos singing im OBSESSED with, i suddenly found myself watching all her videos trying to pick the VERY best one to show you all, and not just watching them all, but watching them all over and OVER again... i got sucked into the vortex of this girls voice, and now, 26 hours later i have snapped out of it. what sucks is that i couldn't decide on a video to post, so I'm just going to grab one, any one as they are all as good as the next one. its fucking YouTube gold!! so watch this video and then go to her YouTube page...
...its funny, all these years i thought i had been listening to music, but after hearing Mianda sing, everyone else out there making "music" is a bunch of talentless jagoffs. YOU GO GIRL!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Where is this?
A couple of weeks ago on mountain bike action they had these and 3 other photos posted as a guess where this is section. Among the pictures were short captions that gave you additional clues. I don't think this was a contest of any kind, more of a test your bike knowledge exam. I am not trying to turn my weekly post into a "I-live-somewhere-cooler-than-you", merely trying to get you snow and dirt riders stoked on getting out there the best way I can. The first photo is one of my all time favorite views on a bike, the trail is not particularly hard, just beautiful. The last is of my neighbor Kirt Voreis who not only rips on his bike, but has some mini-ramps in his garage that has several spines and 3 bowled corners. He lets anyone use it anytime also. So maybe don't move here, but you should at least try and come visit. We'd love to buy you a beer.