Got wind of this nostalgia-inspiring blog from a coworker.
Not sure how often it's updated, but it's got an amazing collection of old mall photos to peruse.
Remember the glass elevator in the Gold's building? And WC's at Eastpark? And the Jack and Jill, and Ben Franklin in Northeast Lincoln? Right by the orthodontist? I suddenly have a craving for jelly beans...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Your New Bike
Barack Obama is many things to many people. This site suggests that he is all things endearing, good, friendly, fun and interesting too. In short, Barack is not better than your new bike - Barack IS your new bike. Does anything really beat that?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
As I rolled up to the gas station across from Mortimer's in Uptown to get some cash, I reached into my bag to grab my lock, but found only the cable. Panic struck as I visualized the pad lock sitting on my kitchen table since I'd had it in a different bag earlier in the day. Equally unenthusiastic about the prospects of leaning my new Surly inside the smoking garden of the bar or riding another ten mile roundtrip, further delaying the feeding of the boozehole and playing foosball; I withdrew my cash and began scoping out their meager selection of "automobile type supplies."
This is what I settled on:
It did what it needed to do for a few hours. Generally speaking, I don't really think anyone in that bar would've had the mental wherewithal to crack this code or would've even wanted my ride as it had gears and the handlebars were neither flopped nor chopped.
Living in a non-american regime where you can't buy beer on Sundays, it's very comforting having a fridged stocked w/ Old Syle, Hopslam, and a couple of Bourbon County Stouts tucked away for the end times.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
White People Like Bicycles
"A good place to find white people on a Saturday is at a Bike Shop. Bike shops are almost entirely staffed and patronized by white people!
"But not all white people love bicycles in the same way, there is much diversity."
[read more...]
From Stuff White People Like
more places to sk8 in PV
Walking around yesterday 1/2 crunked
and Andrew and I notice this little gem,
about 1 block from the ocean...
that's a hand painted house sign.
That's a security gate
yes, yes,
that is a beer.
and yup,
that is a full on cement 1/2 pipe in your front yard right off the main drag, right by the beach...
about a 3ft by 8/10 ft.. nice.
I think his grandma was reading the paper on the front porch, she wasn't grinding....
Monday, February 18, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Is It Radio If It's On The Computer?
I can never catch what I want to catch on National Public Radio or on any radio for that matter.
It's my schedule — or lack of one — that's to blame. Or maybe it's my inability to sit by a radio for long stretches of time.
I am one of those folks who sits in front of a computer for long stretches of time, though. And not coincidentally, I'm listening to more radio then ever.
Also not coincidentally, I'm liking more radio than ever.
Radio Lab is at the top of my list (and Studio 360, and This American Life, and Fresh Air), but all NPR programming is available free and on-line — either through downloads, streaming, or by subscribing to podcasts — so now you can listen to whatever you want, whenever you want.
All this digital goodness, as well as the analog version, is free of advertising and suggestive sales pitches, the lack of which has been shown to have a calming effect lab rats. But don't forget — radio or not, schedule or not — NPR only works if it's supported through your donations.
Your inner lab rat thanks you.
Think globally, act locally, listen universally.
I kind of fucking LOVE that this guy is famous. Like it makes no sense, but it doesn't make me angry. Because he seems like a nice guy. I'm more fascinated than anything.
Think about the PRODUCTION costs and coordination alone! Not to mention inner-city-ish dance kids tryouts! Who buys tickets to this? I LOVE IT!
Find joy in absurdity.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Clean Part
Back for more, The Clean Part Reading Series is on again at the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.
This Saturday it's well-read poetics from Maryville, Missouri's John Gallagher, Amherst, Massachussetts' Betsy Wheeler, and Kansas City's Wayne Miller.
Now in its third year, The Clean Part brings exciting young poets from all across America to read their work to Lincoln audiences. For more information about the poets and the series stop by The Clean Part web site.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809. Were he still with us, he would have been 199.Lifted from The Writer's Almanac, here are some things you might not know about the namesake of Nebraska's capital city:
Lincoln was the first president to have a beard in office.
Lincoln was the tallest president — 6'4".
Lincoln was the first president to be photographed at his inauguration.
Lincoln was the only president to ever receive a patent (for a device that lifted ships over dangerous shoals).
Lincoln liked animals. He had a dog (Jib), a cat (Bob), and a turkey (Jack).
Lincoln liked the works of Poe.
Lincoln had a messy office.
Lincoln had a loud laugh.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The North American Hand Made Bicycle Show was last weekend in Portland.
Cheryl and I happily paid our entrance fees and promptly ran into the GB of all PGGBs Nate.
After that it was a taut Cornhusker thread tying everything together with the Meschkes repping Signal Cycles, Rick Hunter repping Monkey Wrench, Steve Potts repping Nebraskans (scroll down to the bottom), and then we happily found out that Chris King’s ONLY print ad in any publication is in Lincoln Ve-Low.
Feeling good and proud of our homeland, we kept the streak alive with former NE GBs Katie, Kirk, and Chad. Honorary Huskers were there too, including Bob K, Kevin I, Michael L, Lori D, Michelle P, Natas K, Reese F, and over 4,000 other familiar friendlies.
I guess the whole shebang is going off again next year in Indy.
We're going to try hard to be there and suggest you all do the same.
Here's a flickr set of some of my photos for looking at with your eyes.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
There is Xerox on the Insides of Your Eyelids
The opening for There is Xerox on the Insides of Your Eyelids, a skate zine/art show at Needles and Pens was last night.
My photoset at Flickr.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
sk8 park in pv
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
hey! nebraskans!
Don't forget to caucus on Saturday!
With the kind of enthusiasm I normally reserve for like, March Madness, nachos, and new episodes of Lost, I URGE you guys to get out there and make your voice heard!
Even if you are not a registered Democrat, you can still participate by registering as a Nebraska Democrat prior to or at the caucus meeting.
Nebraska matters!
(Go Obama!)
Friday, February 01, 2008
expression. part 2.
Remember Pat's post about things he fucking hates a while back?
To follow suit, and because there are 41 minutes left in my work week so I'm perusing youtube, here are more Things I Fucking Hate...
People Like This:
It hurts so good.
Battle Time
Hi there. I made this video promo for an epic Battle of the Bands that is coming up here in L-Town, NE. I'm stoked on it and thought I'd share. Happy Friday!
Battle! from Root Down Creative