Thursday, September 11, 2008


My Family has a long history in NYC and the East coast in general and while certain things have had a profound and everlasting effect on the city and it's people it is amazing to see the resilliance and fortitude of the citizens of Gotham. Some of the best times of my life have been had in New York and I know that some of the best times of the Rest of my life will be had in New York City.
Congrats on the new job Ash and congrats on Columbia Grad school Josh. Take a minute to remember that it may not be the biggest city or the wealthiest city on the planet but when it comes to culture, style and cool in general the big apple has it goin' on.


Cornbread said...

Helluva place to visit.

Last June I went to a Yankees game, rode the subway, went to a street fair on Times Square, hung out at Central Park, ate at Carnegie Deli, and pissed off an employee at a snooty triathlete shop. It was a complete day.

ZDogg said...

Now that I think about it alot of my favorite NYC stuff has to do with food. That city knows how to eat. Oh and running across the big lawn in central park in a suit @ 7 in the morning in order not to miss my flight back to lincoln after taking the wrong subway:)

rfresh said...

I decided long ago that my first trip to NYC needed to be centered around seeing the Beastie Boys Perform there. I finally went last summer and caught them in full glory in a public pool in Brooklyn - then went back for New Years. I gotta live there before I die.