Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011


Seventh annual running. Was a good group. Altered the route for the morning rain but the dirt and gravel were in good shape north of North Bend. All day rides are good.

Weekly Link Round-Up

Two new videos from Belle & Sebastian.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Barcelona Chair.
Post 22's Final Cut Pro X Marathon.
The DVR and Cable box suck more energy than a refrigerator.
Dallas Clayton on The Pursuit Of Happiness.
Inside the Ghost Ships of the mothball fleet. Via: Coudal.
ReadyMade Magazine is going under.
Put This On episode #6 covers the body and shirts.

let's go camping

POLER STUFF, check it out. tents, ect.,,,,,,,available.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

2005 and 2006

first and second years for ponca and a pic from each.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ponca ride

i think the first one was in 2005. so we have a nice mini tradition going. looking forward to a weekend with too much saddle time. hoping the weather cooperates, but when don't we hope that. i'll dig out my maps. thinking cornbread took this pic.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WWASH Is Tonight. Tonight Is WWASH

Happy sumer solstice!

WWASH #6 (summer solstice edition) is tonight, June 21, 7pm at Yia Yia's — 1423 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Dean The Bible will be playing live music, and the friendly staff at Yia Yia's will be making your pizza and pouring your beverages.

Everyone is welcome.
Just show up and enjoy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

music makes me weep

wow. that was a great show at stir cove in council bluffs. i'd go back to that venue in a second. sorry for the cell phone camera pics. best i could do.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekly Link Round-Up

Sebastião Salgado's Alaska photos for the NY Times Magazine.
Just spent an hour rediscovering Haw-lin.
Belle & Sebastian has a new video for Come On Sister. Via: Vulture.
The Fox Is Black has a new mixtape.
Camera Bag has a 'Quick Load' episode with Harri Peccinotti.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Dudes, let roll!

jv squad

new art in the lobby

by a local architect

Monday, June 06, 2011

Weekly Link Round-Up

Liu Bolin disappears in photos.
Rad cameras in Flotsam and Jetsam's Camera Auction collection.
Tracking Feral and Free Roaming House Cats. Via: The New Aesthetic.
George Steinmetz's African Air from MediaStorm.
Sequence of an elephant flipping a car.
Jaws does a giant fucking ollie.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Poster Show + Hustle

Screen Ink.
print studio | art gallery
416 South 11th Street

Friday, June 3rd at 7pm

This year our efforts are specifically benefiting the fundraising efforts to rebuild the Bison bridge in southwest Lincoln.

Come visit us for some ridiculously awesome and stupid cheap artwork, craft beer provided by New Belgium brewery and delicious treats from Maggie's Vegetarian Wraps!

Do the Hustle

"Check in" to this business Friday night to receive free stuff.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

skate the state

I just got back from riding my skateboard across Nebraska. Here's some photos from the trip!

who's excited?

headed to the dirty kanza 200 this weekend. i've been to every running of the event except one. looking forward to the journey thru the flint hills. it is a sublimely beautiful place to suffer. photos are from me during the first running of the event.