Thursday, April 28, 2011

And So It Goes

There's a biography coming out about KV. The author's got a blog with some pretty cool insights and stories from the man. Worth a look.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

transiowa version 7

a flag in lieu of a race number.

we had to announce our last names at each check point.

it was tough.

the night takes away your mind.

Monday, April 25, 2011

T.O.D.R. 2 ---> April 30th, Havelock Park 9 a.m.

Back Again

Beastie Boys have been dropping all kinds of fun nuggets leading up to their new release, Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, but today is the best gift of them all. In their always rad fashion they have chosen to stream the entire new album for all to enjoy, more than a week before it's drop date. I just folded my laundry while listening and so far this is the best Monday ever :) So here you go - Thanks Adam, Adam, and Mike!

Hot Sauce Committee Part Two by Beastie Boys

Weekly Link Round-Up

Geoff McFetridge's 42 pieces turned into 24 shoes for MOCA.

The Fox is Black goes to Art In The Streets with an extra whole post just for Swoon.
NYC gets a new spot at Thomas Greene Park.
The Future according to Google search results.
iPhone 4 about to be Flickr's number one camera. Via: What Consumes Me.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Meal time


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


A friend of mine just put this photo up on facebook. It's her and her crew when they were in highschool. I think it's pretty awesome!

New path

Its curvy and its poured and its at my kids elementary school

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly Link Round-Up

Edward Burtynsky shoots Spain From Above.

NY Times Magazine on Radiolab, one of the best radio shows out there.
Radio reporting with the iphone.
Catch the first two episodes of AMC's The Killing online.
I'm going to Portland, OR next week any suggestions???

Friday, April 08, 2011

mike and mary

I met Mike and Mary down in Chile earlier this year. First class folks. damn fast, too!

Not sure who did the filming here, but it makes me want to take a nice rolling ride along the ocean with my lady...who wouldn't?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

house fire at 17th and A street


At the new park at Prescott school...yeah!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Weekly Link Round-Up

Vimeo's iphone App looks awesome, lets you edit video. Via: Chris Glass.

Tom Ford's five easy lessons in how to be a modern gentleman. Via: TFIB.
Bonnier gives away its new iPad magazine builder.
Camera Bag's new episode focuses on Tim Barber.